Nicola on cover of Spooks Series 8 US DVD Boxset

Finally, after all these years, Kudos have included Nicola in a prominent position on the cover of a Spooks DVD Boxset – see the cover of the US Series 8 DVD boxset above. THANK YOU Kudos and the BBC! Though it does beg the question, why wasn’t Nicola included in the cover art for the UK/Region 2 release of Series 8 back in September 2010?

Being featured on the cover of the Region 1 DVD boxset will, we hope, raise Nicola’s profile with the US entertainment industry once more, i.e. amongst fans, US casting agents, writers and directors. Warner Brothers has recently invested US$100 million in the studios which they have been using for the Harry Potter series. This can only mean that there will be more US productions to be made in the UK. Quite independently of this investment, there are already many US movies, mini series and TV shows being filmed and produced in the UK at the moment. There has to be a part, or two or three, amongst all this activity for Nicola! The last time Nicola had such a high profile associated with a show was in the Touching Evil days.

Nicola was also on the cover of the Series 5 DVD boxset when it was released in the US. However, it was in a less prominent position and most  of the other cast members were also featured. There are a number of other firsts for this US release :

  • Series 8 of MI-5 (as the show is known in the US) will be released in January 2011, which is way faster than any of the previous seven series has been released in the US and
  • Priced at US$27.99, this is much cheaper than the UK/Region 2 version which was released back in September and currently still priced at £25.69 on Amazon UK.

The UK/Region 2 DVD boxset of Series 8 had very little in terms of interesting DVD extras. Via a tweet from bccmee, it would appear that the same is true for the US/Region 1 DVD boxset of Series 8.

Here’s hoping that the Extras included with the DVD boxset for Series 9 will feature much more contribution from Nicola. It has to, since she consistently acted every one else off the screen in Series 9 😀

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