LTiH 5 Preview Events

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Two preview events were held ahead of the show’s premiere on 23 February 2020, one in London on 3 February 2020 which was sponsored by BAFTA and the other at Square Chapel in Halifax on 5 February 2020 which was sponsored by BBC North. At each event, the audience were treated to a showing of Episode 1 followed by a Q&A with the four main leads, Anne Reid, Derek Jacobi, Sarah Lancashire and Nicola Walker, as well as the writer of the show, Sally Wainwright.

For the BAFTA event, you could purchase a ticket to attend the event. For the Halifax event, you had to enter a lottery to see if you would be allotted a ticket. To be eligible for the lottery, you had to have a Halifax postcode. After the event, there were some complaints voiced on Twitter. Apparently, some folks who were notified as winners turned up at the event only to be turned away because the organisers had overbooked the event.

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