Chalk Screencaps

  • Chalk »
  • Chalk Series 1

Chalk 101

Chalk 102

Chalk 103

Chalk 104

Chalk 105

Chalk 106

“After the Chalk Dust Settles” is a special feature included in the Chalk Series 1 DVD release. The official outlet for purchasing this DVD is the Replay shop UK. There is a discount if you buy three copies of this DVD. This is a Region 2 DVD and Replay may not ship this to some countries.

Replay will not be licensed by the BBC to put out Series 2 unless they achieve healthy sales figures of Series 1, so please “show them the money” and make a purchase!

(In case you’re wondering, Nicola has much better skin in real life than in these Chalk Dust screencaps. It was just the lighting used in this interview.)