Dawn’s Chance Encounter

About a year and a half ago I started watching Last Tango in Halifax here in the States on PBS. Between Nicola and Sarah Lancashire, they got me hooked on the show! I have since bought all the LTiH series. I didn’t think that I would ever get to meet either Nicola, or Sarah, but then they announced that one of Nicola’s plays, A View from the Bridge, was coming to the States. Woohoo!!!

I got myself a ticket for the Saturday matinee. I went alone since no one in my circle of friends watch any British TV shows. I wasn’t going to hang around the Stage Door to try and meet the cast after the show but as I approached the theatre before the show to collect my ticket, who should I run into but Nicola Walker herself!!! She was very friendly and lovely to chat with.

“Hi, Nicola. I’m Dawn. I’m a big fan of yours, and Sarah Lancashire, after watching Last Tango in Halifax. I really enjoyed your new roles in both River and Unforgotten.”

“Thank you, I’m glad you liked them. My part in River is one of my favourite parts, because I had to play a character that only existed in someone’s memory of her. This is very different from other characters I’ve played over the years and a challenge.”

“I think English actors are so much more talented than American actors, with the possible exception of Meryl Streep, of course.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m a Susan Sarandon fan. I was so thrilled when she came to see the play the other day.”

I remembered that Nicola has mentioned in some interviews how much she likes Cornwall. I do too and decided to mention this to her.

“You know, I like Cornwall too. I was just in Port Isaac recently. I fell in love with the place after watching Doc Martin.”

“That’s great. My husband [Barnaby Kay] is from Cornwall and we vacation there all the time.”

“Are you enjoying your stay in New York?”

“Yes, very much so, but I do miss my family a lot!”

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“Can I have a photo with you?”

“But I have no make-up on! Nevermind , go ahead.”

She’s still beautiful with that smile!

“Thanks, Nicola. Enjoy the rest of your stay in New York!”

“Dawn, is it? Yes, Dawn, I sure will.”

I then went to the ticket booth to pick up my $45 ticket (which is all I can afford). The woman at the booth asked my name and said to me, “I’m seating you on the stage.” Wow, my lucky day indeed.

Editor’s Note

Many thanks to DawnS for sharing her meeting with Nicola and photos!


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