2019 Q&A – Personal Preferences


If you had the power to change or make one law to make our world a better place, what would it be?

Nicola : To reverse Brexit.



If you had the power to make one food item disappear, what would it be and why?

Nicola : Goat’s cheese. I just can’t do it.

[Ed’s note : no offence to the brand of Goat’s cheese shown in the above pic. It was one which we selected off the web to illustrate a point, that’s all.]

In the 2015 Guardian article, Nicola mentioned that she’s fearful about interviews and that Sanjeev Bhaskar (her co-star from Unforgotten) advised her, “Just lie, you idiot.”

So, we were curious :

Is there anything you’ve said in past interviews that you wish you hadn’t and would like to retract or clarify?

Nicola : Not really.



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